Thoughts from the Wild

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Should My Dog’s Diet Change for the Summer?

May 21, 2020

Many dogs, like their owners, are more active in the summer — especially those who tend to hibernate during the snowier months. Simple logic might tell you that more activity means your dog needs more calories. So, should you switch to a summer dog diet? In most cases, it’s not necessary. Do Dogs Eat Less …

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Simple Living: Life Lessons From Your Pets

April 21, 2020

Ah, the carefree life of a dog or cat. Naps in a sliver of sunlight. Meals served to you without having to lift a paw. Tummy rubs. No stressful job, unhappy relationship or unpaid bills. What’s not to love? If only your life could be less complicated. Well, maybe it can be! If we take …

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Does a Working Dog Need Carbs?

April 16, 2020

Is your dog considered a “high-energy” dog? Is he or she getting the energy they need from the food they consume? While some pet parents believe that a high-protein, moderate- to high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet is ideal for all working and sporting dogs, that’s not always the case. If you have a canine athlete or service …

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Ancient Grains in Pet Food: Focus on Sorghum

January 2, 2020

In the last few years, few pet food ingredients have been as misunderstood as grains. Some folks wondered if grains were necessary at all, or suspected they could have a negative impact on pet health. But as it turns out, grains such as corn, rice, barley, oats — and sorghum — can play a significant …

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